Pete Ceglinski

Episode 1


Boat builder and surfer Pete Ceglinksi grew up in Byron Bay and has been connected to the ocean since he was a child. Traveling all over the world, he witnessed the volumes of plastic pollution in oceans everywhere.

Starting with an idea from his mate Richard Turton, Pete set out to refine the design, manufacture a device to capture ocean litter and take it to the world. He started with nothing, sought crowd funding to create the Seabin and overcame many challenges to do his bit for our oceans.

Pete’s Seabin project now operates with over one thousand units in 50 countries across the globe. In the last six months Seabin has removed 6-tonne of marine litter from Sydney waterways alone, and has collected valuable data to create a Pollution Index Chart about the health our oceans to help make global decisions. Pete you’re a legend.


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