About Us



Thirty-six incredible Australian stories of ordinary people who are doing extraordinary things to make our country a better place. With cutting-edge innovations they are proving that we can all do better, together.

We live in an amazing country. Unmatched natural resources. A long and unique history. Picture-perfect wilderness. And a diverse culture. In so many ways, this is one of the richest nations in the world. But are we still ‘the Lucky Country’? We face some significant national challenges that are reshaping Australia.

The impact of climate change is threatening the Australian way of life, while inequality and discrimination mean the great Australian dream remains elusive to many of us. Our beaches and waterways are clogged with the waste of our consumer-obsessed society, and those of us who struggle with mental health or physical challenges still face insurmountable barriers along the path to inclusion and participation.

But across this big, brown land of ours, ordinary Australians from all corners of society and all walks of life are tackling these big issues, one clever idea at a time. From Bondi to Broome, and Phillip Island to Melville Island, in Advancing Australia we meet inspirational Australians who are proving that one person can make a difference.

Series creator, Ben Gartland says, “I hope that people will recognise a part of themselves in these incredible human stories and see how one person really can make an impact and change our world for the better. Hopefully it will inspire families and friends to talk around the dinner table and encourage government and businesses to listen up. We have wonderful and important stories to celebrate.”

This is uplifting television, and it’s exactly what we all need right now. Advancing Australia introduces us to Australian heroes who have overcome obstacles to drive change. Together, they are Advancing Australia, and showing us how we can all play a part in making Australia a great place to live… for all Australians.